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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:48 am 

Joined: Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:51 pm
Posts: 1
I am proposing a campaign to make July National Firearms Heritage Month and the first week of July "Teach A Friend To Shoot" week. The concept behind this is that July 4th is Independence Day and the birth of our country would have been impossible if the RKBA did not exist. This right is still important today to keep us safe as a Nation and to preserve our form of government and the unique liberties we enjoy as a nation of free men and women. Over the years I have found, as many of you have, that the best cure for fear of firearms is a day at the range. In addition, it is highly evident that college students and women in particular are a voting demographic who's knowledge of guns and the shooting sports is limited to what they see on TV, movies and the evening news. In addition, students are often influenced by teachers and professors who are rabidly against self defense. Not a flattering view at all.

If each of the grass roots RKBA organizations launches a program to promote this idea we could have a positive impact on the general public's view of gun owners. It would mean a coordinated effort in contacting gun stores, ranges and general memberships. The ranges and gun stores could offer promotions at their discretion and individuals could teach friends to shoot or introduce them to their favorite shooting sport by taking them to a match. Private ranges could have a "Welcome Day" where they invite the community in to see what shooting sports are all about or offer firearms safety courses, concealed carry courses, etc. It would be up to each range, store, or person exactly how to celebrate, but they should all be encouraged to report back about the events and the responses.

Individuals can and will play an instrumental role in the promotion of this by encouraging their local gun stores and clubs to participate and pointing out that it will mean increased sales and a greater voting base when new firearms laws are proposed. Education is always the key, in so many ways. Safety is paramount and a firearms safety course is the perfect place to start.

Public perception is our biggest friend and also our biggest enemy. This would offer a viable and inexpensive way to positively effect that perception.

Pat Webb
Virginia Coordinator
Second Amendment Sisters

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