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 Post subject: Newb
PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:19 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:27 pm
Posts: 1
Good evening folks,
New guy here and wanted to say hello from NV. Also wanted to share this non surprising letter from Harry Reid Senator from my state. Not a shock he'll say anything that makes friends at the time. here goes.
September 14, 2012


Reno, NV 89508-2517

Dear :

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I appreciate hearing from you.
As you know, during Senate consideration of the Cybersecurity Act (S.3414), Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) attempted to offer an amendment to the Cybersecurity Act (S.AMDT.2575) which would have prohibited the transfer or possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition. The Senate only considered amendments that were related to cybersecurity, therefore Senator Lautenberg’s amendment was not considered.

Please be assured that I have noted your opposition to Senator Lautenberg’s amendment. Throughout my time in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, I have worked to protect the Second Amendment. As a gun owner, I welcomed the Supreme Court's decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which made clear that every law abiding citizen has an individual constitutional right to keep and bear arms. We must work to protect this right by enforcing laws that keep guns away from terrorists and criminals. You can be certain that I will use my leadership position in the Senate to defend the Second Amendment and to protect the interests of Nevada's gun owners.

Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. For more information about my work for Nevada, my role in the United States Senate Leadership, or to subscribe to regular e-mail updates on the issues that interest you, please visit my Web site at I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

My best wishes to you.

United States Senator


 Post subject: Re: Newb
PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:38 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:38 am
Posts: 118
Location: Northern Virginia, USA
It’s great that you took the time to write and got a response. This is good work.

You’ve gotten what’s called a level 1 response- an acknowledgement of your letter. It doesn’t say anything really, “I will keep your views in mind” . We have heard that all before have we not? My parents used to tell me that. I remember them telling me that when I asked for a game console for Christmas.

The good news is now you have an opportunity to engage other local gun owners. share your letter with them, and have them all join you in writing in to him again about the upcoming legislation. Make sure he knows that all of you want him to oppose gun control. You will probably get a similar response but that is when you step it up and call them. Get his legislative affairs guy on the line and tell him you don’t think the Senator “gets it”. lay out your position. Then have your friends do the same thing.

Members of Congress are like a flock of sheep. The constituents are the sheep dogs and the sheep dogs can either be us, or some other constituency who may not share our values. I don’t know about you, but I prefer the ‘sheep’ be shepherded to oppose gun control.

So please… keep up the good work!

Dave Yates

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