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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:05 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:38 am
Posts: 118
Location: Northern Virginia, USA would like to thank the following people who took the time & effort required to stand up for the 2nd Amendment & freedom by responding to and opposing the ATF multi-rifle sale registration scheme. They are listed below in no particular order. These records were photocopied paper records; letters, faxes & emails obtained via the Freedom of Information Act:

Brian Lewis, Dave Freeman, John Shadow, Wes Higgins, Joe Green, Joseph Mehler, John Kolodziejski, Stephen Menges, Douglas Ringer, James A. Cameron, Randy Cavalier, Blaine Nay, Douglas M Dial, Jacob Endres, Wade Shoop, Alan & Rosemary Fries, Mike Lawson, Kent Garrett, Nicole Brown, Gary Daniel, Aaron Merchant, Dave Neilsen, Reno Pleetier, Robert Towner, Charles McMillion, Scott Hunt, Tim Trible, Bob Lombardi, Donald Laffranchi Jr., Chris Fogle, Dean Lusby, Candle Turner-Pope, Dominic Aiello, Alden Lavin, Ernie Wall, Gerald Brickwood, James M. Berry, Ron Hyson, Christopher Hocking, Dave Knight, Reynold Williams, Mark Klaus, Audrey Kline, Larry Nicholson, S. Shelton, Trevor Casper, Dale Welch, Paul Galanek, Killian Gallagher, Jake DuBois, Ed Levine, Jason Reynolds, Alan Stoa, Roy Hill, Jeremy Powell, Deacon Matson, Justin Combs, Jim Parker, Rudolph DiGiacinto, David J. Olson, Mark Jones, Dave Vann, Mike Ninteau, Scott Bagby, Robert Crook, Wesley Northcutt, Richard Beverlin, Mike Harsch, Charm Kuch, Clayton Smith, Brian Padgett, Jim McGraw, Jerry Venable, JT Hayes, Brian Lewis, James Keen, Michael G. Paciorek, Denton Bramwell, Mark Boirum(LEO), Doug Spittler, Dave Rupert, Charlie Brown, Jack Daniels [ No, the last 2 names are not made up!], Andrew Raymond Jr., Randy Potter, Matt Hood, Jeff Kirkonis, James Travis, Tom Morford, Jonathan Donaldson, LT William Parker, Kristopher Lee, Rick (Harold) Miller, Bob Jacobs, Rollin Lofdahl, Jeff White, Bill Bray, Gordon Crisp, Cathy Winstead-Severin, Edmund Collins, Richard & Sue Kamler, Matt Markel, Edward Smith, Howard Shumacher, Jabie Gray, Don Middlemiss, Richard Rumble, Don Short, Brent Tenney, Patrick Wright, Jay Edward Simkin, Jim Post, Robert Hickernell, Celstino Castellon, Don Short II, Justin Heflin, Rick Lamparzyk, Patrick Kelley, Dale Rutherford, Robert Naess, Robert Gottschalk, Raun Prill, Butch Elrod, Clem MacIlravie, Lonnie Hartke, Johnny Britton, Douglas Norman, Bob Bowman, Thomas McCallie, Jim Taylor, Bill Thompson, Craig Meredith, Ted Jones, Francis Lombardi, David McFadden, Nicholas Jubinski, Kayla Leach, Richard Brough, William Raper, Chris Berry, Robert Greene, George Peabody, Gus Kohntopp, Steve Lowther, Gregory Bishop, Marion W. Musselman, Ken Matney, Dave Skinner, Scott Pruitt, Charles H. Dwyier, Kirk Rentmeister, Steven Bohannon, Joe Dunn, John Eberle, Dave Wordinger, Robert Skarypek(LEO,retired), Steven W. Pickard, Jeff Phelps, Peter Potgieter, Charlie Rutkowski, Brian Pumphrey, Brian Ranshaw, William Mace, Casey Evans, David Kiss, Bill Allen, John Deakins, Jose Luis Zuniga, Brian Stewart, Jim Klapper, Dr. E. Morgan Kelly, Richard R. Harris, Dan L. Argetsinger, Dr. Stanley McGowan, Mike Schlabach, Ron Smith, David Yates, Daniel Szatkowski, Gabe Saboe, Robert Jensen, Andy Lindelow, Jeremy Krueger, Steve Sikkenga, Dave Lehnert, Roy Kubicek, Peter Howard, William Young, Duncan's Gunworks, Frank Gerstenkorn, Don Pollock, Robert E. Gilbert, Wayne Brent, Pat Kelly, Mike Hughes, Phil Sluder, Newman Chittenden, Matt Raspberry, Greg & Kathe Potnick, Robert Wolbert, David Frazier, Buddy Adelsberger, Jim Wickman, Pat Goltz, Kane Smith, Dan Engberson, Jerry Adelman, Lenard Harview, Drew Rubin, Ricky O'Shield, Daniel Scott, Anne Reiser, Pat Rains, Lee Markell, Richard Wisner, Lou Minadeo, Charles J. Lingo, Mark Pope, Anthony Connolly, Dennis Griffin, Andrew Clements, Mark Odenbach, Pat Carnohan, Bob Freeman, George R. Payne, Melanie Meredith, Jeff Bennett, Thomas Patch, Nathan Kettner, William Rogers, Charles Smith, Phyllis Pryor, Peter Caroline, Russ Franklin, Gary Cotton, Sandra Cotton, Clayton J. Holland Jr., William Shires, Brandon (& Stephany) Harrison, Hayden Gehrlein, Carol Malone, Tim Pederson, Josh Russell, Nikki (& Mike) Hepworth, Al Lewis, Edward J. Sekol, Jack Looney, Jason Bendickson, Michael R. Kubow, Bryan Hoenig, Josh Underhill, Charles Swanberg, George Henry, Randy (& Angie) Bauer, Chris Osowski, Glenda Cope, Eric Bartrand, Dr. Stephen Angeli, Maureen Vann, Dennis R. Wells Sr., Robert Adams, Mike Tobias, Ernest Veranes, Bill Heipp, John A Wolf, Ken Laliberte, Don Barker, Richard Schaefer, Tom Palmer, Dave Hernandez, J.L. Rhodes, John Clement(LEO,retired), William J. Thomas, Paula K. Watlington, Dale Allen, Mary Blair, Kimberly Anderson, Joel Watkins, Alvin Sedig, Gregory Wheeler, Gemey McNabb, Thomas Eskridge, Daryl Witt, A.T. Martin, Kenneth Bozarth, Ben H. Sammons, Philip Saunders, Robert Houghton, Jeff Reed, John Shannon, Kelly Proctor, Joe Kirkup, Leigh R. Hoge, H. Gene Farr, Rogelio Bello, Paul Papanestor, Linda J. Draxlir, Bob Mazur, David Voiles, Larry C. Jones, W. D. Faulk, Landon Scism, Von A. Salmi Sr., Gary Weis, Keith Budig, Steve Baker, Robert L. Phillips, Rick Fricke, Phil Johnson, Vincent M. Furio, Susan (& Harry) Holland, Sid Cranston, Jim Dowdle, Ed Avila Sr.*

* Ed Avila Sr. is the Operational Director of the website AR15. We emailed AR15 and Ed called us back. He then stepped up and, late into one evening, had his team posting on every single HTF in every State under his own banner, Fire Mission. This allowed the message to achieve more coverage, faster than it normally would have. Ed deserves all our thanks.

There were a few FOIA records which were unsigned and no 'name' could be determined from the email, they are relatively few but they are not counted in the list above. All of these people commented between 12/17/2010 - 01/05/2011.

Except for any of the individuals named above there were no FOIA records showing communication on behalf of any RKBA organization. Not one. NSSF requested a copy of the new form. There was not even a single email from any of these organization's domains such as employees or volunteers of any of these organizations.

See who responded supporting ATF's multi rifle sale registration scheme

Dave Yates

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